Collection: Functional Teas
The herbal teas we sell are what are often referred to as functional teas. What does that mean? That means they do not just taste soothing, bold, warming or refreshing, they are built with specific herbal allies which are meant to support specific concerns, or desired states. Preparing tea is highly personal. For one a teaspoon brewed 3 minutes might be perfect while for others two teaspoons and 5 minutes might whet your whistle. I am a strong and long brewer 90% of the time! If there's a chance a tea will get bitter by brewing it too long, we've tried to call that out on the product specific directions and packaging. Also, some teas have a pinch of stevia to sweeten slightly but almost any tea is even more delicious with a spot of honey. Set aside some time to enjoy your brewing process and the sipping of your tea, if you possibly can. Take a moment to thank the earth for the wonderful gifts we receive from her. Allow the flavors and sensations to wash over you and give you a bit of a hug. Teas will come and go here. If you have a request please feel free to give us a shout on the contact page. I LOVE making creations to fit your specific needs, desires and tastes!